Academic Appointments
Professional Research Experience
Professional Activites
Aug 2024 - Present
Postdoctoral Fellow
Indiana University, Bloomington, School of Public Health
Department of Applied Health Sciences
Mentors: Kristen Jozkowski and Brandon Crawford
University of California, San Francisco
Access and Advocacy: Understanding the Philosophies, Practices, and Priorities of Abortion Funds Under Stress
Committee: Kristen Harknett (chair), Carole Joffe, Monica McLemore, Andrea Swartzendruber
Emory University
Behavioral Science & Health Education
University of Oklahoma
Department of Religious Studies
Peer Reviewed Publications
Under Review
In Preparation
Swartzendruber, A., Luisi, N., Johnson, E.R., Lambert, D.N. In Press. Spatial Analyses of Crisis Pregnancy Centers and Abortion Facilities in the United States, 2021: Pre-Dobbs Cross-Sectional Study. JMIR Public Health Surveillance. [Full Text]
Clark, C. J., Bergenfeld, I., Shervinskie, A., Johnson, E. R., Cheong, Y. F., Kaslow, N. J., & Yount, K. M. 2024. Validity of a Common Measure of Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration: Impact on Study Inference in Trials in Low-and Middle-Income Countries. SSM-Population Health. 26: 101683. [Full Text]
Sinharoy, S.S., Cheong, Y.F., Seymour, G., Heckert, J., Meinzen-Dick, R., Johnson, E.R., Yount, K.M. 2023. The Time-Use Agency Scale: Development and Validation of a Measure for Ghana and Beyond. Feminist Economics. 29(4): 103-132. [Full Text]
Bergenfeld, I., Kaslow, N.J., Yount, K.M., Cheong, Y.F., Johnson, E.R., Clark, C.J., 2023. Measurement Invariance of the CES-D within and across Six Diverse Intervention Trials. Psychological Assessment. 35(10): 805-820. [Full Text]
Johnson, E.R. (2022). Healthcare Access and Contraceptive Use Among Adult Women in the United States. Contraception. [Full Text]​
Renfro, T.L., Johnson, E.R., Lambert, D.L., Wingood, G.M., and DiClemente, R.J. (2018). The MEDIA Model: An Innovative Method for Digitizing and Training Community Members to Facilitate an HIV Prevention Intervention. Translational Behavioral Medicine. [Full Text]
Luisi, N. Lambert, D.N., Johnson, E.R., Swartzendruber, A. Proximity of Crisis Pregnancy Centers to Colleges and Universities in the United States, 2021.
Lambert, D.N., Luisi, N., Johnson, E.R., Baugh, R. Swartzendruber, A. Crisis Pregnancy Centers in the United States: Characteristics and Changes Post-Dobbs.
Yount, K.M., Johnson, E.R., Sharma, K., Meinzen-Dick, R., Sinharoy, S.S., Conceptualizing and Measuring Women’s Empowerment: Insights from Country Stakeholders in Asia. Available at SSRN:
Sinharoy, S.S., Johnson, E.R., Cheong, Y.F., Quisumbing, A., Malapit, H., Heckert, J., Seymour, G., Meinzen-Dick, R., Myers, E., Kilic, T., Kanyanda, S., Vundru, W., Paz, F., Doss, C., Yount, K. The Women’s Empowerment Metric for National Statistical Systems (WEMNS) Scale: Development and Initial Validation of a Phone Survey Instrument. Available at SSRN:
Yount, K.M., Johnson, E.R., Kaslow, N., Cheong, Y.F. Are Global Measures of Psychological Intimate Partner Violence Against Women Really Comparable? A Measurement Invariance Analysis of Controlling Behaviors in 19 Low- and Middle-Income Countries.
Johnson, E.R., McLemore, M. Abortion Fund Services and Geographic Distribution. (In Preparation)
Johnson, E.R. Effect of Medicaid Expansion on Contraceptive Use Among Low- and High-Income Women​
Johnson, E.R. (Aug 2024). Navigating the aftermath: Abortion Funds’ responses to Dobbs and the nationalization of the abortion access crisis. American Sociological Association 119th Annual Meeting, Montreal, QC
McCauley, E. & Johnson, E.R. (Apr 2024). Salience and context of incarceration history disclosure in sexual and reproductive health service delivery. Academic and Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health, Phoenix, AZ
Johnson, E.R. (Nov 2023). “We’re still here:” Abortion funds in the wake of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. American Public Health Association 151st Annual Meeting and Exposition, Atlanta, GA
Johnson, E.R. (Aug 2023). Understanding the Landscape of Abortion Funds in the United States. American Sociological Association 118th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA
Johnson, E.R. (Aug 2022). Locating “the three bodies” in Western menstrual literature. American Sociological Association 117th Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA
Johnson, E.R. (Oct 2021). Interpreting menstruation: Contextualizing the experiences of women with menstrual irregularities. American Public Health Association 149th Annual Meeting and Exposition, Denver, CO
Johnson, E.R. (Aug 2020). Effect of Medicaid expansion on contraceptive use among low- and high-income women. American Sociological Association 115th Annual Meeting, Online
Johnson, E.R. (Nov 2019). Healthcare access and contraceptive use among adult US women: Understanding the impact of insurance status, cost, and having a usual source of care. American Public Health Association 147th Annual Meeting and Exposition, Philadelphia, PA
Johnson, E.R., Lambert, D., Fuller, T., Piper, K., Hipp, P., & Wingood, G. (Nov 2018). Barriers and facilitators to lay health educator participation in a faith-based HIV prevention program. American Public Health Association 146th Annual Meeting and Exposition, San Diego, CO
Johnson, E.R., Piper, K., Lambert, D., Fuller, T., & Hipp, P. (Nov 2018). Identity, belief, behavior: Understanding risk in communities of faith. American Public Health Association 146th Annual Meeting and Exposition, San Diego, CA
Fuller, T., Lambert, D., Johnson, E.R., Piper, K., Hipp, P., & Wingood, G. Open and available to anyone: Understanding the reach of African American church health ministries. American Public Health Association 146th Annual Meeting and Exposition, San Diego, CA
Piper, K., Lambert, D., Johnson, E.R., Fuller, T., & Hipp, P. (Nov 2018). Parent-adolescent safer sex communication: Why adolescent preferences matter. American Public Health Association 146th Annual Meeting and Exposition, San Diego, CA
Fuller, T., Lambert, D., Hipp, P., Piper, K., Johnson, E.R., & Wingood, G. (2018 Nov). I’m just here to serve them: Understanding and contextualizing mental health treatment within African American churches in the South. American Public Health Association 146th Annual Meeting and Exposition, San Diego, CA
Fuller, T., Lambert, D., Hipp, P., Piper, K., Johnson, E.R., & Wingood, G. (2018 Nov). Getting the short end of the stick: Faith communities’ misperception of HIV/STI disparities among GBTQ men. American Public Health Association 146th Annual Meeting and Exposition, San Diego, CA
Hipp, P., Lambert, D., Piper, K., Johnson, E.R., Fuller, T., & Wingood, G. (2018 Nov). Good touch and bad touch: The role of African American faith communities in preventing child sexual abuse. American Public Health Association 146th Annual Meeting and Exposition, San Diego, CA
Heil, S., Kilany, M., Paez, K., Cowans, T., & Johnson, E.R. (2018 Jun). Preparing primary care providers in rural Oklahoma to offer medication assisted treatment for opioid use disorder. Academy Health Annual Research Conference, Seattle, WA.
Johnson, E.R., Reece, D., Lambert, D., Renfro, T., & Wingood, G. (2017 Nov). How can we make it happen?: Factors that affect successful program implementation in faith-based settings. American Public Health Association 145th Annual Meeting and Exposition, Atlanta, GA.
Johnson, E.R., Nguyen, A., Lambert, D., Reece, D., Piper, K., Tanus, A., Renfro, T., & Wingood, G. (2017 Nov). A qualitative exploration of factors contributing to age of sexual debut within predominantly African American churches in the South. American Public Health Association 145th Annual Meeting and Exposition, Atlanta, GA.
Heil, S. Cowans, C. Johnson, E.R. Cavazos, J. & Paez, K. (2017 Nov). Delivering medication-assisted treatment for opioid use disorder in rural primary care: Understanding physician experiences and challenges in rural Oklahoma. American Public Health Association 145th Annual Meeting and Exposition, Atlanta, GA.
Lambert, D., Renfro, T., Wingood, G., & Johnson, E.R. (2017 Nov). Successes and challenges of disseminating a faith-based HIV prevention program: perspectives from program participants. American Public Health Association 145th Annual Meeting and Exposition, Atlanta, GA.
Reece, D. Lambert, D. Johnson, E.R. (2017 Mar). The effect of family composition on risk communication and subsequent risk taking behavior. Society of Behavioral Medicine 38th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions, San Diego, CA.
Peters, C. VanderEnde, K. Thorpe, S. Bardin, L. Bleiberg, K. & Johnson, E.R. (2014 Nov). Women's empowerment and its relationship to current contraceptive use in low, lower-middle, and upper-middle income countries: A systematic review of the literature. American Public Health Association 142nd Annual Meeting and Exposition, New Orleans, LA.
Fall 2023. Guest Lecturer. RELI 1001: Intro to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Ms. Reed Stephenson, University of Georgia, Athens.
Spring 2022, Spring 2023. Course Facilitator. S215: Dissertation Proposal Writing Seminar, Dr. Kristen Harknett, University of California, San Francisco.
Spring 2022. Guest Lecturer. EPID 7010: Introduction to Epidemiology I. Dr. Danielle Lambert, University of Georgia, Athens.
Winter 2022. Guest Lecturer. GRAD 210: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Academic Leadership. Dr. D'Anne Duncan, University of California, San Francisco.
Winter 2021. Curriculum Designer, Guest Lecturer, Course Coordinator. GRAD 210: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Academic Leadership. Dr. D'Anne Duncan, University of California, San Francisco.
Winter 2020. Teaching Assistant. BIOSTAT 208: Biostatistical Methods in Clinical Research II. Dr. Steve Shiboski, University of California, San Francisco.
Fall 2019. Teaching Assistant. BIOSTAT 200: Biostatistical Methods in Clinical Research I. Dr. Elaine Allen, University of California, San Francisco
Apr 2023 - Jun 2024
Sep 2021 - Jun 2024
Oct 2021 - Mar 2023
May 2019 - Feb 2021
Apr 2015 - May 2019
Sep 2012 - Mar 2015
Jul 2013 - Dec 2014
Project Director, Crisis Pregnancy Center Map Project
University of Georgia, Athens
Graduate Student Researcher
University of California, San Francisco
PI: Dr. Erin McCauley
Data Analyst
Emory University Rollins School of Public Health
PI: Dr. Kathryn Yount
Health Data Analyst
Behavioral Health Concepts, Inc.
Research Associate
American Institutes for Research
Graduate Research Assistant
Emory University Rollins School of Public Health
PI: Dr. Gina Wingood and Dr. Ralph DiClemente
HIV Behavioral Surveillance Interviewer
Georgia Department of Public Health
2021 Institute for Citizens and Scholars Women's Studies Fellow
2020 Rosenberg-Hill Fellow, University of California, San Francisco
2019 Cota-Robles Fellow, University of California, San Francisco
2018 Cota-Robles Fellow, University of California, San Francisco
2021-2022 UCSF Graduate and Professional Student Association Sociology Representative
2020-2021 UCSF Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Anti-Racist Reading Group
2018-2022 American Public Health Association Sexual and Reproductive Health Section,
Abstract Reviewer
2018-2019 11th Annual UCSF LGBTQIA+ Health Forum, Finance Co-Chair